V&A: Dorothy and Michael Hintze Galleries
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Our work with museum and gallery lighting started in the late 1990s. We have continued for decades to develop lighting products that are a natural fit for museums and galleries old and new. Now it’s ZTAs turn.
ZTA.70.Mains Track was recently supplied to the newly refurbished Dorothy and Michael Hintze Galleries at the V&A Museum in London. This prominent location, one that Studio ZNA are very familiar with, needed a high quality, technically superior product that is built to last and supported for a very long time. There are long term exhibitions in this space so a variety of dedicated optics were chosen, from 10.9º to 61.6º.
Our 5 year warranty and further 20 year duty of care means products will be sustained well into the future. Essential qualities of museum-specific lighting can be maintained and we can continue supplying to these great venues for years to come.